Is your company interested in helping a charity or local non-profit? Are you considering providing fundraising at particular times throughout the year or even developing a full-time sustainability program? Assisting a charity may appear to be a lot of effort for no reward, but this isn’t true. Your business can enjoy lots of benefits by giving back to the community.
There was a recent study that found that consumers were more interested in purchasing from philanthropic companies as opposed to companies that did not give to charity. 82% of consumers indicated that they would prefer to purchase from the philanthropic company given that the products were at the same price point. In another study, 70% of millennials indicated that they would be more likely to buy from companies that support good causes as opposed to those that don’t. Due to these studies, it is definitely worth considering how your bottom line can be improved by helping charities and organisations such as those that provide exceptional care and education for disabled students.
Charitable work is a great way to show care for your community, customers, and employees while showcasing the values of the company. It will greatly improve your company’s reputation and help you to achieve recognition from a bigger audience.
Organisations can do much more than simply donate cash to charities. They can assist by allowing their employees to do charitable work during work hours. This can help create a very compassionate work environment and build your company’s social conscience.
We will now cover a couple of more reasons why your business should assist charities.
Improves the overall identity of your brand
The charity that your company undertakes can solidify your brand and showcase your business as being highly ethical. Also, the type of charities that your company chooses to support can help define your company from other competing companies. This will go a long way in improving your brand’s image.
Improves your business’s overall reach and audience
A charitable organisation that solidifies its presence in the local community can achieve a much wider audience. For example, you can improve your brand’s visibility by sponsoring local sports teams, giving money to national charities, helping with a particular community and charitable initiatives, etc. In addition to highlighting your company both locally and regionally, you can do a great deal of networking as well.
Improve the mood and morale of your staff
When your employees see their company working to support charities, this greatly improves their morale and overall happiness. Most employees will feel extremely happy and proud to work for such a conscientious company and this will greatly increase their loyalty to the company. Also, there would likely be many employees who wish to help charities on their own, however, due to a lack of money or time, they aren’t able to volunteer. So, incorporating this into work is another way that these employees can feel a greater sense of joy and purpose.
Improved public relations
Once your company is involved in various charities, charitable events, and sponsorships, you can greatly benefit by sharing this with the media. By sharing these stories with the media, the media will in turn inform the public about the company and it will help to solidify a positive public image of your company. It will also reinforce employee loyalty and increase retention rates. You can also create a section on your company’s website where you talk about your work with charities and the company’s commitment to various causes. This will go a long way in positively impacting your company’s overall reputation.
Great for the community
The best thing about helping charities is that it positively affects the charity and furthers its cause.
When you assist charities by providing money, resources, manpower, etc, it greatly helps the community and real people. Most businesses are solely focused on doing business, but helping charities, can provide a more balanced perspective and give back to society.
This is definitely the most impactful benefit, however, there are numerous business-related benefits as listed above. Helping charities will positively impact how the public views your company, your reach, employee morale, and your profits.